
Nothing To Do......Just Post It......

Anyone have any picture about st. john or 95 starlight please post it to share with us.....
Dun let our blog so cool...
Just make it more interesting....
If have any command like to share with us just post it....

Thx ya.....


Our Sweet Memory Of Training For Free School Competition

From Team Sun....
Director: A X'Leader (Sry For Forgot Name d...)


95 StarLight Date Of Birth.....

No.1-Yeap GayJing(24/1/1995)


No.3-Lim PengEng(6/2/1995)

No.4-Lim ChunWei(26/2/1995)

No.5-Khaw EuSheng(15/3/1995)

No.6-H'ng YuGan(16/4/1995)

No.7-Lee WeiZhe(28/4/1995)

No.8-Goh YongJian(6/7/1995)

No.9-Song ZhiLiang(5/9/1995)

No.10-H'ng Cher'ngYew(8/9/1995)

No.11-H'ng Cher'ngYih(8/9/1995)

No.12-Lim GuangYuan(25/9/1995)

No.13-Ong KhaiWen(30/10/1995)

No.14-Cheok EngCheong(9/11/1995)

No.15-Ooi YiShen(4/12/1995)


Team Sun.....

YuGan i think u had already forgotten us.....
However our team didn't get any prize but i wan to say that this team was i love the most....

Free School Competition-Team Sun Member...
Trainer-Lim Jin Hong (Best Trainer)
No.1-Yeap Gay Jing (Best Leader)
No.2-Song Zhi Liang (In my heart, he is the best no.2)
No.3-Lim Peng Eng (Nothing on me,just a normal person)
No.4-Lim Guang Yuan (In my heart also, he is my best partner)
No.5-Goh Yong Jian (The most careful person....hahax)
No.6-Tock Yee Shuen (.....The most like to give suggestion)

From Me....Peng Eng....



Individual Prices from 95Starlight

Free School Competition: Best Leader- Cadet Lance Corporal Yeap Gay Jing

Union Competition : Best Commander- Cadet Corporal Lim Chun Wei

95 starlight add oil bah....let us win more prices for clsj!

From: YG


Add Oil 95 starlight!!

Yg, the achievements u post are not enough for chung ling stjohn....we must add oil and achieve Champion in every competition!! After PMR, we should form our 2011 state teams....don't wait...we have no time if we wan to win heng ee until we shiok...!!! we can just win them in first aid...so we must make it to be win in footdrill and teamtest too!! 95 starlight,we must make a new history and record it in our clsj logfile!!!!! Gambateh!! we can make it!!

From : Yishen~~

95 starlight's achievements

Union Competition: Overall Champion- no.1 Corporal Lim Chun Wei
no.2 Lance Corporal Ong Khai Wen
no.3 Lance Corporal Khaw Eu Sheng
no.4 Lance Corporal H'ng Cherng Yew
no.5 Cadet Probational Leader Lim Guang Yuan
Overall 2nd Runner-up - no.1 Lance Corporal H'ng Yu Gan
no.2 Lance Corporal H'ng Cherng Yih
no.3 Cadet Probational Cheok Eng Cheong
no.4 Lance Corporal Ooi Yi Shen
no.5 Cadet Probational Leader Lee Wei Zhe

Area Competition: 1st Runner-up - no.1 Lance Corporal H'ng Yu Gan
no.2 Lance Corporal H'ng Cherng Yih
no.3 Cadet Probational Leader Cheok Eng Cheong
no.4 Lance Corporal Ooi Yi Shen
no.5 Cadet Probational Leader Goh Yong Jian
2nd Runner-up - no.1 Corporal Lim Chun Wei
no.2 Lance Corporal Ong Khai Wen
no.3 Lance Corporal Khaw Eu Sheng
no.4 Lance Corporal H'ng Cherng Yew
no.5 Cadet Probational Leader Lim Guang Yuan

2010State Competition: Overall 1st Runner-up - no.1 Cadet Probational Leader Cheok Eng Keat
no.2 Lance Corporal Song Zhi Liang
no.3 Lance Corporal Ong Khai Wen
no.4 Lance Corporal Lim Peng Eng
no.5 Cadet Probational Leader Lee Wei Zhe

From: yg


4 of our 95starlight were the best participants yesterday....we did it man! 95 starlight gogogo!


Thx For Guiding....

Firstly, i want to thx our team leader, Cheok Eng Keat for training us....Altough we always play the fool in the training, bt u keep be patient...thx very much for ur 'wide chest' and sorry for us being a 'siao kia' keep playing the fool....Besides that, i also want to thx gay jing for helping us WEARING PANTS and GIVE US MOTIVATION...thx ya...

Our team also want to thx jin hong for helping us these long days....jin hong, u had guide us in everything... Without u..i think we had been lost...thx for being our light, jin hong...

Lastly bt nt least, i also want to thx all 95 starlight for being our casualty, giving us comment and giv us motivation...altough u all are nt around everyday....bt we appriciete ur hlp...Oce agn, thx ya....

Written by,


首先,我, 还有代表智亮和凯闻要先向我的队长石永杰说声对不起。。。。对不起队长!!!!
说完了对不起,就让我来说些感谢语吧。。。昨晚(3月20日)在凯闻家住时,尽责的队长熬夜把他那珍贵的周公时间, 献出来教了我很多东西以便能让我在当天的比赛时应付自如..... 比赛当天时, 我真的应付自如......他......真的事太伟大了~~~谢谢你队长...要不是你的负责任, 我们今天根本就没机会战胜对手, 站在台上光荣的夺取亚军~~~太感谢你了, 石永杰队长.... 虽然你没有夺得最佳队长奖...但是你还是我们心目中的最佳队长. 希望有机会还可以当你的组员.




state competition

A few more hours to the state competition...they must be nervous...they want to be the champion and attract focus from every spectators....nothing can we help them now...and juz a word that we can say and give support to them..ADD OIL...fight for CLSJ!!

From: 95 starlight


Annual Penang State Competition

Team Galaxy- 1. Mas. Cheok Eng Keat
2. Mas. Song Zhi Liang
3. Mas. Ong Khai Wen
4. Mas. Lim Peng Eng
5. Mas. Lee Wei Zhe

Old story time.... haizzz.. stress, stress, stress...... "STRESS"?? What the hack is that? Maybe the seniors are worrying about us.. About what? Penang Anual State Competition. So do we? hmm... At first, we had fun every day.. Training is just a fool to us.. But now, every thing is different. We started training seriously.. We dont want to give worry and dissapointment to all our friends and seniors. Tomorrow we will be on the stage.. We will try our best to win the competition. Hope god bless us.. all of my friends support me.. Wish ourselves goodluck and GAMBATEH!!

From: Team Galaxy and 95 starlight

Eng Keat, Zhi Liang, Khai Wen, Peng Eng and Wei Ze

FORM 5 seniors Gambateh!!

No.1 Corporal Lim Jin Hong
No.2 Corporal Khoo Boo Siew
No.3 Probational Leader Khaw Yao Sheng
No.4 Lance Corporal Witness Koe
No.5 Probational Leader Tan Zhou Xian

After a few months of efford, 5 of them are going to fight for champion tomorrow in the annual Penang State Competition. They have skills. They have the winning spirit. They have self confidence to beat every opponent. 95 starlight wishes 5 of them and of course the other two teams good luck and all the best...... Remember us after your glorious victory. We will be supporters tomorrow.. To see the moment you all be the champion.. To see you all take picture happily.. Gambateh!!

From: 95 starlight


加油!!!我们敬爱的f4 and f5 senior及f3 朋友

明天就是state competition 了,辛苦了这样多天,这天终于到来了。他们将会穿上整齐的制服,到usm作战。他们只有一个梦想,就是为我们团体-a1&ac3,为我们的学校带来胜利。我代表全体钟灵的圣约翰救伤队祝福你们,希望你们旗开得胜,为我们争光!你们比赛我们不能为你们做些什么,唯有明天到那边支持你们。你们一定要加油哦!star,moon,sun永远支持你们!




加油!!!我们敬爱的f4 and f5 senior及f3 朋友

今天是state writen test的比赛。虽然我们不能去支持他们,但我们的心里还是会默默的支持他们,希望他们能顺顺利利的把比赛赢回来。当我们f3比赛的时候,f5 senior 都会在我们的身边默默的教导我们,可是现在我们却不能为他们做到什么,唯有在旁边默默的支持他门。加油!!!


A1&ac3 GO GO GO!!!!!

QB Gay Jing Birthday

Eu Sheng Birthday

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